Transcript of 911 call made before shooting death of Chanhassen teen released

A policeman directs traffic along Hwy. 7 in Chanhassen
A policeman directs traffic along Hwy. 7 near the scene of the shooting in Chanhassen on July 13, 2018.
Matt Sepic | MPR News

The mother of the teen shot and killed by Carver County deputies on July 13 said she was worried her son would hurt her and possibly the officers that showed up. The Carver County Sheriff's Office released the transcripts of the 911 call on Wednesday.

During the call, Kara Amorosi requested "multiple police" come to her home on Oriole Avenue immediately, saying her son was being "violent and destructive" inside their home.

"His name is Archer Amorosi," she told the 911 operator, identified as Linda Mullenbach, "they were here yesterday, he saw them, he needed a medical evaluation and they couldn't do anything."

Amorosi told Mullenbach that her son had a baseball bat, had told her he had knives and that she thought he wanted to hurt police officers.

"He just locked me out of the house... he he wants them, he wants to get them to get in like a showdown with police," the transcript read.

Amorosi went on to say Archer had disabled their garage and that she was stuck inside. Mullenbach then tried to help Amorosi figure a way out of the garage.

During their exchange, two more voices identified only as unidentified male 1 and 2, arrived and attempted to help Amorosi out of the garage. One of the voices said, "The suspect's in the living room you can see a handgun."

The BCA, which is investigating the shooting, said Archer Amorosi refused deputies' orders to exit the house. Deputies tried to immobilize him with pepper spray and a Taser through a window, but that did not work. The BCA said Amorosi then ran out of the front door of the home holding a hatchet and what the BCA said appeared to have been a handgun.

Deputies again tried to command Amorosi to stop and used a Taser, but it again didn't work.

"At one point, deputies Hodge and Larson discharged their weapons, striking Amorosi," the BCA statement says. He died at the scene.

BCA investigators found a hatchet and a "handgun style BB-gun" near Amorosi's body.

The Carver County Sheriff's Office responded to eight 911 calls at the house between the summer of 2015 and the day of the shooting. The premise for the calls included reports of suspicious activity, missing persons and domestic incidents, according to the agency's records.