Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Thursday soaker; cool for now but 90s on the horizon?

We enjoy one more pleasant day across Minnesota Wednesday. Then get ready for an unusual all-day Thursday summer soaker. A September-like low-pressure storm sweeps into Minnesota Thursday.

NOAA's GFS model tracks the system's rain shield and embedded thunder cells.

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NOAA GFS model from Wednesday evening into Thursday via tropical tidbits.

Widespread soaking rains

Most Minnesota towns will endure several hours of rain Thursday. Totals could reach 1" to 2" in many spots.

A few showers may linger Friday. The weekend looks nice again.

Pleasantly cool for now 

Temperatures look very pleasant for the Upper Midwest for the next 10 days.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

90s again in August?

There are signs that 90-degree heat could return as August arrives.

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NOAA via IPS Meteostar

Saharan Air Layer

The Atlantic hurricane season is awfully quiet right now. One interesting factor that can suppress hurricane development is an elevated dust layer that blows off the Saharan Desert.