Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Summer’s finest weather Tuesday? Warm start to ‘meteorological summer’

You could make the case that Tuesday will be the best weather day of the year in Minnesota this year. Abundant sunshine, highs in the 70s to near 80-degrees and low humidity is why people live in places like San Diego, or Arizona in the cool season.

The Twin Cities National Weather Service sums it up pretty well.

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Ideal for human comfort

MPR News host Tom Crann and I often joke about it. But this week's weather is nearly ideal for human comfort. Dew points Tuesday remain in the delightful range. Deep tropical moisture pools to the south.

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No big heat waves

Right now I still don't see any big heat waves in sight. The upper air pattern for the next one to two weeks looks summery, but not oppressive. Perfect.

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No 90s in sight?

It's unusual to expect no 90-degree highs the last two weeks of July. But so far that's what the weather cards seem to show.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Sixth warmest first half of meteorological summer

For a while, our meteorological summer was tracking among the warmest on record. After the first half, this is the sixth warmest summer on record.