Bernie Sanders campaigns in Minnesota for Keith Ellison

Rep. Keith Ellison and Sen. Bernie Sanders hug.
Rep. Keith Ellison and Sen. Bernie Sanders hug on stage at First Avenue during a rally for Ellison's campaign for Minnesota attorney general in Minneapolis on Friday.
Evan Frost | MPR News

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was in Minnesota Friday trying to rally support for DFL U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison's campaign for Minnesota attorney general.

Sanders addressed about 1,500 people at First Avenue in Minneapolis during a morning rally. He urged them to do everything they can to get people to vote for Ellison, whom he said would be one of the great attorneys general in the United States.

"Keith is a great congressman. He is a great campaigner. He is a very, very hard worker, but he cannot do it alone. He needs, we need, your help," Sanders said.

While Sanders had high praise for Ellison, he spent most of his time criticizing President Trump and other Republicans on everything from immigration, tax, health care and abortion policy to economic disparities.

Sen Bernie Sanders speaks in support of Rep. Keith Ellison.
Sen Bernie Sanders speaks in support of Rep. Keith Ellison during a rally inside First Avenue in Minneapolis on Friday.
Evan Frost | MPR News

He called Trump a "billionaire bully."

"This entire country is embarrassed that, as [a] president, we have a bully and a pathological liar," Sanders said.

Janice Nowling of New Hope called Sanders' visit "absolutely wonderful," and said she thinks Ellison can win a statewide election.

"I also grew up in a rural community in Wisconsin, people care about their values, they just care about you and the person you are and what you stand for."

Daniel Glenn of Richfield said Sanders' support will be important to Ellison's primary campaign.

A young boy watches Rep. Keith Ellison speak.
A young boy watches Rep. Keith Ellison speak during a rally from the upper deck of First Avenue in Minneapolis on Friday. Ellison was joined by Sen. Bernie Sanders for a rally to support his campaign for Minnesota attorney general.
Evan Frost | MPR News

"Bernie Sanders is a great figure that people are rallying behind."

From Minneapolis, Sanders and Ellison headed to Duluth for an afternoon rally.

Ellison is in a five-way Democratic primary contest.

Also seeking the nomination for attorney general are DFL-endorsed attorney Matt Pelikan, former Ramsey County Attorney Tom Foley, former Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman and State Rep. Debra Hilstrom. The winner will go on to November's general election.