The big ways climate and water are connected

Flooding is seen near downtown Houston.
Flooding is seen near downtown Houston following Hurricane Harvey Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2017.
Win McNamee | Getty Images 2017

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In April, Paul Huttner hosted a live, wide-ranging discussion on all things climate change. One way people experience the changing climate most intensely is through the water. From flooding to drought, climate change is causing big problems for people around the world.

Here's what's on the show this week:

A conversation with the CEO of the U.S. Water Alliance: Radhika Fox discusses how climate change is making problems like drought and flooding even worse around the world, who is the hardest hit and how to help people understand the seriousness of these issues.

Harvey Krage's change of heart. Krage, a resident of Minnesota City, Minn., used to think of climate and weather as just cycles. His daughter told him it wasn't so simple — that climate change is real. Krage didn't believe it, and his regular listening to radio host Rush Limbaugh reinforced his beliefs. Then the rains came. Krage shares the story of how his mind changed on climate.

Listen to the whole episode on the audio player above.