Oil and water: The Line 3 debate

Enbridge would work with landowners who want old Line 3 pipe removed

Enbridge Energy said it would work with individual landowners who want an old pipeline removed from their land after a replacement is installed, if that project is approved.

The company is hopeful the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission later this month will approve a plan to replace Line 3 with a new pipeline.

Enbridge has proposed cleaning up but then leaving the old pipeline in the ground. But the company now says there can be exceptions to that.

"We are committed to working with the landowners, and if it's their preference and they feel it's best for their property that the old Line 3 be removed once the new one's in place, we are committing to do that," Enbridge community engagement manager Jennifer Smith said.

Smith said Enbridge believes most landowners will elect to leave the old pipeline in the ground because it would minimize disturbance of the land. The company plans to keep the old Line 3 in service until the new pipeline is installed.

It isn't yet clear how many landowners will request removal, but Smith says removing all of the old pipe would cost over $1.2 billion.