Trump's 'lifeline' for coal, and climate activism's overwhelming whiteness

The president has a 'lifeline' plan for the coal industry
This week on Climate Cast, we discuss a plan to require electric utilities to buy more expensive coal and nuclear power, and the climate movement's lack of diversity.
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News file

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The energy revolution is as much about technology as policy. Renewables like wind and solar are now often the cheapest energy available. And natural gas is winning the free-market battle over dirty energy sources like coal.

Now, a leaked policy document circulating in Washington proposes to require electric utilities to buy more expensive coal and nuclear power.

To start this week's Climate Cast, John Moore, attorney with the National Resources Defense Council, tells us what it all means.

Plus, we discuss the overwhelming whiteness of organizations creating climate-friendly policies.

We ask Ojibwe environmental activist Sharon Day with the Indigenous Peoples Task Force about the importance of diversity in today's environmental movement.

Hear the entire show by using the audio player above.