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411.15: Mauna Loa CO2 hits another record

Sensors high atop Hawaii's Mauna Loa Observatory  have recorded another unwelcome atmospheric milestone.

The monthly carbon dioxide average for May 2018 hit 411.15 parts per million (PPM) at the Mauna Loa. That's the highest monthly average ever recorded since observations began in 1958.

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Keeling Curve via Scripps Institute on Oceanography.

Mauna Loa is home to the world’s longest continuous CO2 record.

Mauna Loa NOAA
Mauna Loa Observatory. Image via NOAA.

And it's not just the level of carbon dioxide that's getting scientists' attention.

The rate CO2 is increasing in our atmosphere is accelerating. The average CO2 increase was 1.6 ppm per year in the 1980s. It's now increasing at a rate of 2.2 ppm per year during the past decade.

Yale Environment 360 elaborates.

“Many of us had hoped to see the rise of CO2 slowing by now, but sadly that isn’t the case,” said Ralph Keeling, director of the University of California San Diego’s Scripps CO2 Program, which maintains the Mauna Loa record with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “It could still happen in the next decade or so if renewables replace enough fossil fuels.”

“CO2 levels are continuing to grow at an all-time record rate because emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas are also at record high levels,” Pieter Tans, lead scientist of NOAA’s Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network, said in a statement. “Today’s emissions will still be trapping heat in the atmosphere thousands of years from now.”

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Americans: NASA's top priority should be climate monitoring 

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