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Instant Summer of 2018: From 4th coldest April to 3rd warmest May?

Welcome to another case of seasonal weather whiplash in Minnesota. This year we've basically skipped spring and gone right to summer.

Our frigid March-like April was like a Hobbit's "second breakfast." We persevered through the 4th coldest and snowiest April on record. Temperatures ran about 10 degrees colder than average in April.

5 1 April summary

Now May is running about 6 degrees warmer than average so far.

5 21 May
Twin Cities NWS.

With highs well into the 80s ahead for the last week of May we're on pace to record one of the top 5 warmest months of May record.

5 21 wwxx
NOAA via Weather Bell.

April's average temperature in the Twin Cities was 37.6 degrees. May is running at about 64 degrees now, and could very well finish above 66 degrees for the month. So May is running almost 30 degrees warmer than April.

So basically we got two March's and two Junes this year. So much for April and May in 2018.

Late-week rain chances

A warmer and more humid air mass in place later this week opens the door for scattered showers and T-Storms. Summer rainfall is often more localized. But some of us will have the chance for some .50" to 1" downpours later this week.

5 21 q
NOAA models rainfall output via Iowa State University.