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Cool fishing opener, milder for mom; summery next week

Minnesota's weather is a roller coaster. Right now we're at the bottom. We begin the slow uphill temperature climb over the next 72 hours. By next week your faith in our eventual summer will be renewed.

Springtime in Minnesota is the promise that summer keeps.

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NOAA forecast temperatures for Minneapolis via Weather Bell.

Cool fishing opener

Most lakes in Minnesota are finally ice-free. Lou and Lonnie up at Burntside Lodge tell me there is still a thin icy coating on much of Burntside Lake just west of Ely.

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Thin floating ice on Burntside Lake. Image via Lou and Lonnie at Burntside Lodge.

Many lakes in the Ely area finally shed their ice this week. Check the ice-out status for your favorite lake here.

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Minnesota DNR

Wind and weather conditions look favorable Saturday's fishing opener. A chilly morning gives way to highs in the 60s statewide. Skies will be mostly cloudy with a few sunny peeks. Light east winds under 10 mph on most lakes will make for excellent boating conditions. Troll your favorite bay and get your Rapala or live bait game on.

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Forecast winds at 11 am Saturday via NOAA.

My hockey and fishing friend Al Gagnon landed this impressive northern on Rainy River near Lake of the Woods.

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Image via Al Gagnon on the Rainy River.

Brighter Mom's Day

We'll see more sun and milder temperatures Sunday. Highs return to the 70s Sunday afternoon. Thanks for all you've done for us mom.

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Summery next week

Next week looks warm. Minnesota will enjoy highs in the upper 70s and lower 80s most of next week. Dew points hover around the comfortable 50 degrees mark. The upper air pattern looks warm for the next two weeks in the run up to Memorial Day weekend.

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Warm May in the bag?

Temperatures are running about 8 degrees warmer than average so far in Minnesota in May. Wither warmer than average temperatures likely for the rest of May, a warmer than average May is almost certain. Actually I'm completely certain. NOAA's week 3-4 outlook suggest summer may come early this year.

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NOAA's GFS 16-day output cranks out a string of highs in the 80s the last week of May. I'm also seeing signs of dryness given the localized nature of convective rainfall.

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NOAA via Meteostar.

Severe weather peak ahead

The short-term severe weather forecast looks fairly tame. But Minnesota reaches peak severe weather season in the next several weeks. June is peak time for severe storms in Minnesota.

Explosive eruption on Kilauea? 

It's been nearly a hundred years since an explosive eruption on Kilauea. But they were common a few hundred years ago. Geologists are concerned it may happen again.

California: A climate change laboratory?  

Climate change is already a clear and present danger in the west.

Is the Midwest sea of corn keeping us cooler during the day in summer?

The answer may be yes. But the trade-off from "corn sweat" may be higher dew points and warmer nights.

The acoustics of ice?

Here's an interesting take on what ice may be trying to tell us as it disintegrates.