Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Two waves of rain this week; brighter Mother’s Day

We're in the midst of rain wave #1 across Minnesota now. Scattered showers and a few thunderstorms roll across Minnesota into Wednesday. We can use the rain. Most of Minnesota is running 1" to 3" below average on precipitation this spring.

Two rain waves

Our first rain system lingers into Wednesday. We catch a sunny break Thursday before the next system moves in Friday and lingers into Saturday. The Canadian GEM model seem to have a good handle on the coverage and timing of the two systems. It's a mostly soggy forecast into Saturday.

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Canadian GEM model via tropical tidbits.

Widespread rainfall totals of 1" to 2"+ still look likely by Saturday. Here's NOAA's GFS model rainfall output through Saturday.

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NOAA GFS total precipitation through Saturday via pivotal weather.

Temperature speed bump

It feels more like October out there for the next few days. Temperatures rebound just in time for Mother's Day. Highs in the 70s look common next week, and we could touch 80 degrees once again. Ah, spring.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Record April cold

We just lived through the second coldest April on record in Minnesota and several other Midwestern states. It was the coldest April for Iowa and Wisconsin. The numbers show the persistent cold pool that parked over the Midwest last month. Thanks for reminding me.

Midwest tornado drought

This is the kind of drought I can get behind. Our cool spring has suppressed tornado numbers so far this year.

Arctic warmth tied to climate changes

Scientists studying the recent run of Arctic warmth are finding strong links to climate change. Simulations for the late 2016 "black swan" warm event showed virtually no way to reproduce that event without climate change.

Climate Cast programming notes

Our weekly Climate Cast airings have recently changed to 2:50 and 4:20 pm on Thursdays on MPR News.

This week I talk with Jennifer Francis from Rutgers University. She is one of the leading experts on Arctic amplification theory, and studies how changes in the Arctic are impacting weather patterns elsewhere.

MPR News will also air an encore of our recent Climate Cast LIVE program on MPR News Presents next Tuesday at noon and 9 p.m.

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