Crews remain alert for wildfires in Minnesota

A wildfire which burned nearly 4,000 acres of western Roseau County earlier this week has been contained, but forestry officials remain on high alert.

Crews continued working in recent days to douse smoldering logs from that blaze. Warm, windy conditions on Friday prompted another round of red flag warnings across the state.

Adam Munstenteiger, DNR forestry supervisor in the Warroad area, said his staff will be working all weekend. They can't afford to go home this time of year, when fire danger is at its highest.

"Wherever there's brown grass, that's just a pathway for fire," he said. "In the spring, before things have greened up, wildfires can just spread literally in any direction, as long as there's grass or dead fuel for them to follow."

His crews used infrared cameras this week to locate hot spots from the Roseau County fire. He said weather conditions have been prime for more wildfires.

"Warm, windy days in the spring have higher fire danger, and another ingredient to that is the humidity. That third element can really create some explosive fire conditions," he said.

Fire danger was listed as "very high" and "extreme" across much of the state on Friday; find updated listings here.

Burning restrictions are in place across Minnesota.