Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Disappearing snow and frost; 70s again by Sunday

Snow is getting harder to find in Minnesota.

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Snow depth Tuesday afternoon via NOAA.

The rapid snow melt has rivers running high.

Disappearing frost layer

Now the frost is leaving the ground quickly at many Minnesota locations.

Soil temperatures in the top few inches are now running in the 40s and low 50s at many locations. Here's today's graph from Sabin in western Minnesota via the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network.

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Above freezing

Temperatures this week will continue to promote snow melt and frost thaw. Daytime highs will make the 60s and overnight lows will remain mostly above freezing in the Twin Cities and southern Minnesota.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Temperatures up north will run a few degrees cooler this week, but it's still plenty warm enough to melt snow.

70s again by Sunday

Take a look at Sunday's high temperature map. Spring warmth in the 70s spreads all the way north to the Canadian border. Temps will push 80 degrees in Fargo Sunday afternoon.

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My favorite lake

What's your favorite Minnesota lake? It's coming down to the finals this water month. Cast your vote.