Counter Stories: Is the arrest of two black men at Starbucks an isolated incident?

Protesters gather outside of a Starbucks in Philadelphia/
Protesters gather outside of a Starbucks in Philadelphia, Sunday, April 15, 2018, where two black men were arrested Thursday after employees called police to say the men were trespassing. The arrest prompted accusations of racism on social media. Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson posted a lengthy statement Saturday night, calling the situation "disheartening" and that it led to a "reprehensible" outcome.
Michael Bryant | The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP

In the wake of public condemnation over the arrest of two black men who were waiting at a Starbucks chain in Philadelphia, the company will close more than 8,000 U.S. stores for an afternoon next month to train employees on racial-bias awareness. The Counter Stories hosts explored whether training can help prevent incidents like this, or if the problem is more widespread.

Mary Anne Quiroz, co-director and co-founder of Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center.

Don Eubanks, assistant professor at Metropolitan State University.

Anthony Galloway, owner, Umoja Consulting.

Brandt Williams, MPR News.

Hlee Lee, a media artist.