IQ2 debate: The more we evolve, the less we need God

"In God We Trust" on American currency
In this photo illustration the phrase "In God We Trust" can be seen on an American ten dollar bill.
Hugh Pinney | Getty Images

A new debate from the Intelligence Squared series about science, spirituality and the supernatural.

Can we explain the inexplicable without resorting to a concept of the divine? Can we know right from wrong without consulting a higher authority?

Does God have a place in 21st century human affairs? For many, the answer is yes. Belief in a higher power, they argue, is the foundation of human consciousness and the soul of all social, political, and scientific progress. And some claim humans require faith to live moral lives.

Others are far more skeptical. For them, adherence to faith and religious tradition serves only to fracture communities and prevent humanity from embracing a more enlightened, reasoned, and just social order.

As we look to the future, should spirituality and religion play a central role in human evolution, innovation, and discovery? Or has God become obsolete?

The Intelligence Squared US debate motion is, "The more we evolve, the less we need God."

Click the audio player above to listen to the debate.

Two speakers FOR:

Heather Berlin, Cognitive neuroscientist.

Michael Shermer, founder of The Skeptics Society & best-selling author.

Two speakers AGAINST:

Dr. Deepak Chopra, Integrative medicine advocate & best- selling author.

Dr. Anoop Kumar, Emergency physician & author, "Michelangelo's Medicine."

John Donvan is an Emmy Award-winning correspondent for ABC, and the moderator of the Intelligence Squared US debates.