Politics Friday: The session in review, school safety and Pence

VP Mike Pence, left, greets supporters with Rep. Erik Paulsen.
Vice President Mike Pence, left, greets supporters with 3rd Congressional district Rep. Erik Paulsen during a discussion on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act with other guest speakers at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis on Wednesday March 28, 2018.
Richard Marshall for MPR News

This week we looked back on the session that was an look ahead to what could be. DFL State Senator Jeff Hayden (Minneapolis) joined host Mike Mulcahy along with Republican representative Pat Garofalo (Farmington) to look at the major issues of the session.

Then, we turned to Rep. Jenifer Loon (R-Eden Prairie), chair of the House Education Finance Committee, to talk about school safety legislation that she has introduced. The bill focuses on building security and counseling, but does not include any restrictions on firearms.

And finally, reporter Mark Zdechlik joined Mike to talk about his reporting on the DCCC and Vice President Mike Pence's visit to Minneapolis. They'll also be joined by political reporter Brian Bakst.

Use the audio player above to listen to the conversation.