Counter Stories: Reaction to media coverage of Sacramento shooting

In this episode of Counter Stories, our hosts looked at the news through the lens of diversity. They discussed the reaction surrounding the latest shooting of an unarmed black man in Sacramento, Cali. The shooting has sparked unrest and unease in California's capital city and ongoing concerns about strained community and police relations nationwide.

Featured in this episode are:

Hlee Lee, a media artist.
Don Eubanks, assistant professor at Metropolitan State University.
Anthony Galloway, owner, Umoja Consulting.
Luz Maria Frias, president & CEO of YWCA Minneapolis.
Jonathan Blakley, MPR News.

Correction (April 3, 2018): A previous version of this story included the incorrect audio. The above audio is the correct audio for this episode of Counter Stories.

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.