Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Brighter, milder days ahead this week

Some days my job description is more weather therapist than meteorologist. This is one of those.

Monday's rain and snow event was snizzley in the Twin Cities. It delivered some impressive snowfall totals in central and northern Minnesota. Okay, maybe "impressive" is not like some 4-letter words you may have uttered to describe our latest March snowfall.

Many roads in northern Minnesota looked like this Monday afternoon. Again.

Minnesota Highway 6 1 mile south of Emily, Minnesota. Image via MNDOT.

Here are some snowfall totals from the Duluth NWS office.

3 26 snow
Duluth NWS.

Brighter and milder

Our weather improves starting Tuesday. A mix of sun and clouds along with a milder air mass pushes temperatures higher this week. 50 degrees is going to feel really good Wednesday.

3 26 wx
NOAA via Weather Bell.

Easter weekend snow chance?

Please remember I am simply your humble weather messenger. Most forecast models suggest another snow chance for southern Minnesota Saturday. Here's the latest version of the Canadian model.

3 26 cmc
Canadian GEM model via tropical tidbits.

Ice jam season

As rivers begin to break up, ice blockages jam up rivers and can cause sudden floods.

What if?

So how much power could America generate from renewables if we built out capacity? University of St. Thomas climate expert John Abraham penned this excellent piece in the Guardian Monday.

Hang in there Minnesota.