Friday Politics: Should cameras be allowed in courtrooms?

The Minnesota State Capitol on May 22
The newly renovated State Capitol sits in the sun on Monday, May 22, 2017 in St. Paul.
Evan Frost | MPR News

Should cameras be allowed in Minnesota courtrooms? Legislation proposed at the Capitol would end an experiment that allowed more media coverage of criminal trials. Rep. Jim Knoblach, R-St. Cloud, is chief sponsor of the bill. He and media attorney Mark Anfinson joined MPR's Mike Mulcahy to debate the issue.

Later in the hour, we looked back at other issues in Minnesota Politics this week.

Workers in Rep. Erin Murphy's campaign for governor have unionized. Murphy, a former House majority leader from St. Paul, is one of three democrats still pursuing the governor's seat. Mulcahy talked with Ihaab Syed of the Campaign Workers Guild, an organization that helps campaign staff unionize, about why the group unionized and whether other campaigns might do the same.

Finally, MPR Reporter Brian Bakst joined the program to talk about DFL Gov. Mark Dayton's tax plan.