Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Tuesday snizzle; a more potent system Friday night?

Blue smudges light up radars around Minnesota Tuesday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model paints the light snow zone as it fades late Tuesday afternoon.

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NOAA HRRR model via tropical tidbits.

Accumulations will be light as expected. Most of us will see a light candy coating of an inch or less Tuesday. Some 2-inch totals fall west of the Twin Cities.

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Happy spring

Tuesday is another example of why Minnesota weather rarely follows the seasons. The vernal equinox happens at 11:15 am CDT.

Upset about the snow on the first day of spring in Minnesota? How about a free ice cream cone?


Milder again

Tuesday is the coolest day this week. Sunshine and milder temperatures in the 40s return starting Wednesday. What little snow we get Tuesday will be history.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Weekend system: big model differences

There is still huge model variation on precipitation type for this weekend's inbound weather system.

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model suggests heavy snow will fall in the Twin Cities and much of Minnesota late Friday night and Saturday.

The American and Canadian models keep snow totals lower. It's still too early to have high confidence here. It's going to be wet, probably a mix or rain and snow. And yes, it is still March.

The Canadian model suggest a quick burst of rain to heavy snow Friday night.

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Canadian GEM model via tropical tidbits.

The Twin Cities National Weather Service lays out some of the variables with the weekend system.

Stay tuned.