Newly released videos show Mpls. cop shooting at car

The Hennepin County Attorney's office released several videos Wednesday that show a Minneapolis police officer shooting at a car full of people.

The videos were evidence in the criminal trial against Officer Efrem Hamilton, who was acquitted on three felony charges related to the incident earlier this month.

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said he decided to release the videos from the incidents because of media requests. The videos include the body camera and dash cam videos which were introduced as evidence during the trial.

On Nov. 19, 2016, Hamilton was working off duty at a downtown Minneapolis bar, when he heard a shots fired call and drove to the area to assist. He didn't radio in that he was responding.

Hamilton squad video

At the scene, other officers were telling a woman driving a BMW that she needed to back her vehicle down Third Avenue to leave the scene. She inadvertently backed her car into Hamilton's arriving squad car. In response, Hamilton fired his gun into the car within three seconds of jumping out of his car and before giving any commands. There were six people inside the car. No one was injured.

Hamilton body camera video

Jurors in the case had asked to see the videos again while they were deliberating.