Joan Baez embraces empathy on her new album

The new album by Joan Baez "Whistle Down the Wind" is available for streaming now on NPR's First Listen web page. Here's part of the write up by Annie Zaleski:

When Joan Baez was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017, she jettisoned much of the inside-baseball career reflection usually seen in acceptance speeches. Instead, Baez connected the dots between the folk scene from which she emerged, her life-long dedication to the nonviolence movement and political activism, and how vital it is to repair today's divisive society.

"And now, in the new political and cultural reality in which we find ourselves, there's much work to be done," she said. "Where empathy is failing, and sharing has become usurped by greed and lust for power, let us double, triple and quadruple our own efforts to empathize -- and to give our resources and our selves."