Salmonella in raw meat dog food sickens children

Minnesota health officials are warning of salmonella cases stemming from contact with "Raws for Paws" ground turkey pet food.

Minnesota Department of Health Epidemiologist Carlota Medus said the food linked to salmonella was packaged on October 12, 2017.

"This raw ground turkey food has caused infections in people, specifically in two children who got salmonella infections from the dog food," Medus said.

The kids got sick in January, and one had to be hospitalized, she said, but both are expected to make full recoveries.

"Raws for paws" recalled the contaminated product earlier this week. People who have the product are asked to return it to the company.

Feeding pets raw meat is never a good idea because if it's contaminated the contamination can easily spread, Medus said.

"When you feed your dog or your animal, you're basically putting the food in a bowl on the floor and if you have salmonella, salmonella is not just going to stay put in the food," Medus said. "It will get on your animal's mouth and fur."