Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Another I-90 clipper brushes the Twin Cities

Southern Minnesota is winning the snow lottery this week.

The storm track continues to push a series of low-pressure system through Iowa and southern Minnesota. This one brushes the Twin Cities with light snow. The system delivers another plowable event for southern Minnesota and dumps heavy snow from Iowa to Chicago and beyond.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model captures the snow zone overnight into Friday.

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NOAA HRRR model via tropical tidbits.

The system brushes the Twin Cities with a light dusting, but the significant snow accumulations favor southern Minnesota.

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Big snow south

Iowa and Illinois are in the sweet spot this week for heavy snow. Snowfall totals of 6 to 12 inches will be common.

Chicago is bracing for what looks like the heaviest snowfall of the season so far.

Temperatures moderate next week

Both the European and American models still suggest highs in the lower 30s next Wednesday. That temperature moderation begins early next week with temperatures in the 20s.

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It's amazing how good 20s above zero can feel after a cold patch.