Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Positively Polar: The Frozen Tundra returns

Back to the Deep Freeze 

Our respite from Arctic chill was brief. Colder air is once again pouring south from the Canadian Prairie. Frigid colors on the weather map in the northern USA?  Simply a preview of coming attractions.

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Temperatures Wednesday afternoon via Oklahoma Mesonet.

Wind chills heading south

Wind chill advisories are up again for the northern half of Minnesota.

Here's a quick look at temperature trends for the next few days.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Sub-zero nights

The Twin Cities averages 23 nights at or below zero annually. So far we've logged 18 nights at or below zero this winter. We'll be racking up another 3 to 4 sub-zero nights in the Twin Cities and most of Minnesota by next Monday. That will put us close to our annual average.

An average winter so far

The calendar turns February Thursday. So, how do the winter numbers look two-thirds of the way in?

Decidedly average.

  • -0.8F December monthly temperature vs. average at MSP Airport.

  • +1.2F Likely January monthly temperature vs. average at MSP Airport. (Pending final numbers)

  • +0.2F Winter temperatures so far at MSP Airport. (Basically average)

  • 27.3" season snowfall to date at MSP Airport. (Roughly 6" below average)

Fresh snow cover

Much of Minnesota picked up a fresh fluffy snow cover early this morning.

Southern Minnesota gets another quick light snow shot tonight.

Our fresh snow blanket helps support the cold with our inbound Arctic air mass. And it means a brighter landscape on sunny days. Say hello to a high albedo. Not to be confused with libido.

Did you know we average 38 days each year with at least a trace of snow in the Twin Cities?

Stay frosty Minnesota.