A note from Tom

Two quick notes from Tom, as read at the end of Friday's show:

1. This show is produced by some of the best people in radio: Julie Siple, Jo Erickson, and Manda Lillie, of late. Jeff Jones also helps a lot. Please don't forget all the people who don't talk into a microphone who make radio possible.

2. Today is my last day as host of this show.

The reason is that, in my personal life, I recently fell pretty hard for a woman who also happens to be running for statewide political office in Minnesota this year. That presents a conflict of interest, so I notified my superiors. They decided on this course of action.

We're working now on what my re-assignment will mean. You will still hear my voice on the radio, just not every day.

I'm sad to leave the show and all of you listeners; I think we've built something pretty unique here. I hope I haven't disappointed you. But I also look forward to trying some things I wasn't able to tackle with the duties of producing an hour of content every day.

I hope you enjoy what's coming, even though I couldn't tell you exactly what it is.

And one final, rather personal note: There have been a few news reports about this out there. Let me just add one detail all those stories have missed: Peggy and I are over the moon happy. Somewhere in all of this, that matters, too.