BCA says 3 officers involved in shooting at Minneapolis City Hall

An officer-involved shooting occurred in an interview room in city hall.
An officer-involved shooting occurred Dec. 18, 2017, in an interview room at Minneapolis City Hall.
Matt Sepic | MPR News

Updated: 7:45 p.m. | Posted: 4:54 p.m.

Three officers are on leave after two of them shot a suspect who had been interrogated at Minneapolis City Hall, state investigators said Friday. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said Marcus Fischer, 18, was shot after he tried to injure himself with a knife and would not stop, even after police tried to subdue him with a stun gun.

The BCA identified the officers as Sgt. Gene Suker and officers Jerome Carey and David Martinson. Suker has 20 years with the Minneapolis Police Department, Martinson and Carey have served eight years and one year, respectively.

Fischer was being questioned on Monday about a separate shooting that occurred on Dec. 13. Investigators had just completed the questioning and stepped out of a room inside police department offices in City Hall to get a bottle of water for him.

The BCA said a preliminary investigation found Fischer pulled out a "large folding knife that he had concealed in his waistband and began severely injuring himself." After one of the investigators saw what he was doing, several officers commanded him to stop.

"When Fischer ignored their commands, Officer Martinson deployed his Taser but it was ineffective. Mr. Fischer continued to ignore officer commands and walked toward the officers with the knife, at which time Sergeant Suker and Officer Carey fired their handguns, striking Mr. Fischer," according to a statement from the BCA.

The BCA says "several surveillance and body cameras captured the incident." The agency is investigating, and will turn its findings over to the Washington County Attorney's Office. The Hennepin County Attorney's Office requested that because it has a conflict of interest in the case.

Fischer was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he remains under custody of the Hennepin County jail. He was charged this week with first degree assault, aggravated robbery and a felony weapons charge. Prosecutors say he shot a man in the chest during a deal to buy a 9mm handgun. The man also was hospitalized.

Eric Fischer speaks to the press.
Eric Fischer speaks to the press at Minneapolis City Hall, Friday, Dec. 22, 2017.
Brandt Williams | MPR News

Hospital and police officials have not released Fischer's medical condition.

Eric Fischer, Marcus' father, said HCMC had called and informed him his son was going to have surgery on his neck. The hospital added they likely wouldn't be able to give him further updates because Marcus is in police custody.

"The hospital said, on the orders of the police, that they're not supposed to speak about the case or speak about his condition, and we're no longer able to see him again," the elder Fischer said. "I just want to be part of this process and everything like this, and fight for what's right. I love my son dearly. I just want to be part of this."

Eric Fischer was able to visit his son on Thursday, he said, adding that two police officers were in the room the entire time.