Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Snowy into Thursday, coldest air in 22 years by New Year’s?

Wednesday's brief snowy dusting in parts of the Twin Cities was just enough to grease up roadways and create traffic havoc. Snow continues in northern Minnesota with significant (3" to 6") accumulations into Thursday morning.

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Second wave

The next wave of snow develops in southern Minnesota overnight into Thursday. Again, it looks like the Twin Cities will ride the edge of this one, this time to the south.

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Christmas cold wave

The first true Arctic front of the season barrels south through Minnesota on Christmas Eve. We wake up to sub-zero temperature Christmas morning.

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Weather Bell

Extreme cold around New Year's Day? 

All indications are the arctic air mass persists through next week. The longer range guidance is hinting at what could be the coldest air in many years around New Year's Day. This is probably overdone, and the numbers may modify, but it got my attention. I can't remember the last time I saw a model crank out -33 for the Twin Cities.

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NOAA GFS temperature output for the Twin Cities via Meteostar.

I'm still not convinced we'll get that cold. Yet. If we hit -30 at MSP it would be the first time in about 22 years since -32 on February 2, 1996.

Stay warm. And stay tuned.