Workers go on one-day strike outside Mayo Clinic facility in Albert Lea

Union workers picketed the Mayo Clinic facility in Albert Lea on Tuesday in a one-day strike.

About 80 members of two SEIU bargaining units went on strike, protesting what they call Mayo's bad faith negotiating in on-going contract talks. Union bargaining committee member Dave Larson said the picketers carried signs with a variety of messages.

"Show us respect, we're all patients here too, we've got families to support," said Larson.

The Mayo Clinic said about 1,000 people work at the Albert Lea facility, and they expect business to continue as normal.

Mayo spokesperson Ginger Plumbo said contract negotiations are scheduled to resume next week, and Mayo is ready to talk with the union.

"We hope that SEIU will put their focus on that, rather than these external stunts," said Plumbo. "That is where we can have some meaningful dialogue and get a contract for these workers."

Mayo hired replacement workers for the strikers under a one-week contract. So most union members will not be able to return to work until Dec. 26. The union calls that a lockout.