Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Warmest in 18 days, Friday soaker ahead

November Nice

Welcome to the warmest day in the Twin Cities since October 26th when we hit 58 degrees.

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November sky. Image: Paul Huttner MPR News.

The mercury at MSP Airport nudged 46 degrees Monday afternoon.

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Twin Cities NWS

Tuesday looks mild again, but another cold front drops thermometers to below average territory once again starting Wednesday.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Cold streak ends

November is making a push to be just the 3rd cooler than average month in over two years in the Twin Cities. Through Sunday temperatures are running 8.2F below average at MSP Airport.

Our two week-plus streak of colder than average weather shows up as blue on the long range temperature plot for MSP. So far red is still winning for 2017.

MN DNR via Iowa State University

Here's more on our recent cold streak from the Minnesota DNR Climate Working Group.

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As of November 12, 2017, temperatures have stayed below normal for seventeen days straight in the Twin Cities. The normal maximum and minimum temperature for November 12 is 43 degrees F and 28 degrees F.

This cold streak began on October 27. When was the last time there was this long of a below normal stretch? From February 11 to March 6, 2015 was a streak of 24 days below normal. Above normal streaks have been more common in recent years.

Push-pull pattern this week

Weather systems passing by pull mild air ahead and push cold air behind them this week. Tuesday is mild but cloudy. Raw and chilly northwest winds return Wednesday. Friday's inbound system looks wet. A rainy soaking sprays central and southern Minnesota with over .50" likely. A few wet flakes fly up north.

Here's the week's weather maps in a nutshell via NOAA's GFS model.

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NOAA FGS model through Friday via tropical tidbits.

Around the twitterverse

Study: Climate change increasing the risk of more "Harveys."

Tracking the top 250 global GHG emitters

Thomson Reuters just released the latest report tracking the globe's top 250 GHG emitters. The good news? Many companies are achieving economic growth and reducing emissions at the same time. (Disclosure: I was asked to provide a very small set of data points for this report.)

Emissions up in 2017

GHG emissions have been fairly flat the last few years. The upward trend in 2017 is worrying to some.

Protests at COP23