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Daily Digest: Time to vote

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Here's the Digest.

1. It's the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, which means in many cities and school districts  around the state it's Election Day. Here's everything you need before you go to vote. (MPR News)

2. Minnesota schools are hoping to continue their streak of winning voter support for tax levies in odd-year November elections. In Ramsey, Dakota and Washington counties, 10 districts have 17 levies on the ballot to fund school operations, building improvements and technology. Statewide, more than 100 requests will be on the ballot. But 2017 has proven to be a challenging year so far for getting voters’ support. Just 36 percent of school capital levies — 13 out of 36 — have been approved. State law allows districts to ask for capital funding throughout the year, but operating levies are typically confined to the fall ballot. (Pioneer Press)

3. As people vote for mayor in Minneapolis and St. Paul today they'll be using ranked-choice voting. If you're still confused about how it works, here's the piece for you: In Minneapolis, you get to rank three candidates for mayor. In St. Paul, you get to rank six. Your vote counts for your highest-ranked candidate, and your second choice only counts if your first choice is defeated. If no candidate receives a majority of first choice votes, a reallocation begins. The candidate who receives the fewest first choice votes will be eliminated. Votes from the eliminated candidate will then be reallocated to the remaining candidates based on the voter’s next highest choice. The counting and reallocation continue until one candidate receives a majority of votes. If only two candidates remain and neither has received a majority of votes, the candidate with the most votes wins. (MinnPost) Or just watch this video. (MPR News)

4. The St. Cloud City Council on Monday soundly rejected a proposal by one of its members to recommend a moratorium on refugee resettlement. Council Member Jeff John­son said that his measure wasn’t in­tend­ed to permanently ban refugee resettlement, but rath­er, temporarily stop it in 2018 un­til the city gets de­tails on its cost to tax­pay­ers. “The over­all qual­i­ty of life” for resi­dents will con­tin­ue to be “ad­verse­ly im­paired by ex­ces­sive de­mands on local re­sources” by those who are re­set­tling in the city, he stated in the resolution that he presented to the council. After hearing from supporters and opponents, the council voted down Johnson’s measure 6-1. (Star Tribune)

5. Republican Harry Niska left Minnesota's race for attorney general Monday, saying that running a strong campaign would have required making too many sacrifices in his personal life. Niska, a 37-year-old private attorney who lives in Ramsey, had been running since April. He was one of two Republicans vying for the post -- former state Rep. Doug Wardlow is the other -- that their party hasn't won since 1966. He said on Twitter that family considerations won out over campaigning. "In that calculus, the decision was simple: family comes first," Niska wrote. (MPR News)