Photos and audio: For a marriage made in prison, the going gets tough

Elizer and Shaundelle Darris sit for a portrait.
Elizer and Shaundelle Darris sit for a portrait in the dining room of their Minneapolis home the day after Eli was released from prison on Oct. 18, 2016. Shaundelle had difficulty finding housing that would accept Eli with his criminal record, but was able to secure an apartment in the Phillips neighborhood with help from a family member.
Evan Frost | MPR News

One part of Elizer Darris' life that has confounded him since his release from prison is his marriage. He and his wife, Shaundelle, met and married while he was incarcerated.

Experts say many couples experience stresses when one spouse comes home from prison. Elizer and Shaundelle fit that pattern.

On the anniversary of his release, we invited them into the studio to have a conversation about their life together. Listen to an excerpt of that discussion.