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Wednesday slop storm, winter storm warnings north

Where we you 26 years ago today? I was working the biggest snowstorm in Twin Cities history.

It's no Halloween Mega-Storm, but this November rolls into Minnesota Wednesday with a big sloppy wet hello kiss.

Snow breaks out Wednesday morning from west to east. A few flakes may fly during the Twin Cities morning commute, but the bulk of our sloppy wet snow burst arrives mid-morning into lunchtime. I could see a quick 1" to 3" on lawns before the snow changes to rain in the afternoon in the Twin Cities.

NOAA's GFS model captures the snow to rain scenario for the Twin Cities.

10 31 gfs2
NOAA via tropical tidbits.

All snow up north

The lowest mile of the atmosphere stays cold enough for all snow north of the Twin Cities. Winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings are flying across the northeast half of Minnesota Wednesday. The heaviest snow bands will fall along the higher terrain along the North Shore ridges and the Sawtooth Mountains.

10 31 adv snow
Twin Cities NWS

Including the cities of Two Harbors, Silver Bay, and Grand Marais

309 PM CDT Tue Oct 31 2017



* WHAT...Heavy snow expected along the higher terrain of the

Minnesota North Shore. Plan on difficult travel conditions,

especially the middle afternoon through early evening

Wednesday. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 8 inches along the

higher terrain, but 3 to 5 inches along and near Highway 61.

* WHERE...The Minnesota North Shore.

* WHEN...Wednesday afternoon through midnight.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for significant reductions in

visibility at times.

Temps moderate

We'll see another sloppy rain snow mix Friday night into Saturday. Temperatures moderate gradually. Highs in the 50s look likely Sunday from the Twin Cities south.

10 31 wxbb
NOAA via Weather Bell.

Milder weekend of November 11-12?

The long range guidance hints at a milder push of air surrounding the weekend of November 11-12. Many of us want cold, snow, and good outdoor ice. But it's that time of the year when highs in the 50s start to sound good to some Minnesotans. How the mighty summer has fallen.

10 31 16
NOAA GFS temperature output via Meteostar.

NOAA JPSS-1 satellite launch ahead

The latest tool in NOAA's weather arsenal launches soon.

In just one week the nation will add a powerful new tool to its weather satellite fleet. On Nov. 10, NASA will rocket the newest NOAA weather satellite into space. The Joint Polar Satellite System-1, or JPSS-1, will be a powerhouse, providing scientists and meteorologists with vital data about a variety of weather-related extremes like hurricanes, floods, blizzards and wildfires. The satellite will also play a critical role in improving the accuracy of forecasts from three to seven days out.

The United States has suffered a slew of deadly, calamitous hurricanes and wildfires this year. JPSS-1 is the first of four new weather satellites in this series, which is a joint collaboration between NOAA and NASA.

JPSS-1 is a polar-orbiting satellite that will collect planet-wide measurements 14 times a day from 512 miles above Earth’s surface. That kind of complete, global coverage, combined with critical observations from other weather satellites, like the GOES series, leads to more accurate forecasts. Having a clearer picture of your weather forecast not only helps you plan your weekend — it also helps meteorologists and emergency managers make important life-saving decisions about how to prepare their communities.