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October Bluster: Coldest Halloween in 11 years?

Remember when it was 78 degrees a week ago Friday? I don't either. Allow this brief dalliance.

Northwest flow

Our bracing November weather pattern arrived early and is here to stay. Northwest flow drives wind-whipped rain and snow showers across Minnesota Monday. Temperatures hover in the frigid 30s for most of the day. Wind chills hover in the 20s. Snow birds flee for warmer climes.

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A tightly packed pressure gradient drives gusty northwest winds Monday. Rain and snow showers swirl around the departing low. Wind ease Halloween day as a high-pressure ridge glides over Minnesota.

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NOAA GFS through Tuesday via tropical tidbits.

Coldest Halloween in 11 years?

It looks like this will be the "cold Halloween" kids of this generation remember. Highs Tuesday hover in the 30s across most of Minnesota.

The last time we saw temperatures in the 30s on Halloween was 2006. Last year was balmy by comparison. Here's a look back at Halloween temperatures going back to 2000 from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources State Climatology Office.

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10 30 Halloween temps
Minnesota DNR Climate Working Group.

Gradual warming trend

Temperatures gradually nudge upward this week. Sunday looks like the warmest day in sight. Your local bank thermometer may crack the 50 degree mark Sunday afternoon.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Bomb cyclogenesis nor’easter pounds New England

Our snowy Friday clipper morphed into a gnarly nor'easter over the weekend.

The system deepened rapidly along the Atlantic coast, reaching "bomb cyclogenesis" proportions.

The central pressure with this storm is the equivalent of a Category 1 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

The storm packs hurricane force wind gusts.

The system also drove a significant storm surge along the coast. Luckily it hit New York City at low tide.