Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

A shot at 80 Friday, on pace for 2nd warmest year globally

Our mild fall weather streak continues. Parts of Minnesota are in the midst of a fairly rare streak of 70-degree days in mid October. The Twin Cities could hit 80 degrees Friday afternoon. The record high at MSP Airport Friday? 83 degrees.

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NOAA via Weather Bell

Saturday rain

Our next rain arrives Saturday. A low pressure wave and cool front sparks widespread showers and some embedded thunder. The system is progressive, and blows out quickly by Sunday with a return to sunshine. But it will be brisk and cooler sunshine.

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NOAA GFS via tropical tidbits.

Rainfall Saturday looks generally light. Most area will see less than a half inch.

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NOAA NAM rainfall output via College of Dupage.

Cool shot next week

The upper air pattern favors northwest flow from Canada next week. That drives temperatures down a good 20 degrees from this week's September-like levels.

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2nd warmest year on record so far

NOAA data for September is in. The first 9 months of 2017 are the 2nd warmest on record.

September was the 4th warmest on record globally.