Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Coming up for air today, rain returns by Friday

Classic Autumn

Deep blue skies. Crisp autumn air. This is what October was meant to be in Minnesota. If you are pining for the classic October day, today is your day.

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Bright morning. Image: Paul Huttner MPR News.

High today across Minnesota run in the crisp 50s north to 60s south. It still feels like late summer in Chicago and downstate Illinois.

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More showers ahead

Delightful high pressure glides overhead today. The next low pressure wave creates a few attempted showers in southern Minnesota as soon as Thursday. More rain coverage is likely Friday into Saturday morning. Here's NOAA's GFS version of events.

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NOAA via tropical tidbits.

Another inch of rain or more looks likely for many southern Minnesota towns. The Twin Cities rides the northern edge of the soak zone.

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Sunnier Sunday

Sunday still looks like the sunnier nicer day of the weekend. Temps in the upper 60s, lighter winds, and an exploding fall color pallete could be classic.

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NOAA via Weather Bell

Cooler next week

Next week still look cooler overall. Overnight lows in the 30s by next Wednesday could spell widespread frost and freeze across Minnesota. The inner Twin Cities core may escape frost, but it could be close. Here's look at low temperatures Monday. It could be 5 degrees colder than this by Wednesday.

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The average date for the first 32-degree temp at MSP is next Tuesday, October 10th. Something tells me we wont wait until November to end the growing season this year.

Tropical trouble this weekend?

Another tropical cyclone looks likely to form in the coming days, and could threaten the Gulf Coast this weekend. Say hello to what looks like "Nate."

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NOAA's NHC puts the chance of development at 90%.

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National Hurricane Center

Most of the spaghetti models favor a landfall Sunday somwhere in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

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Stay tuned.