Individual rates will be stable in MN in 2018, but what about MinnesotaCare?

The state on Monday announced rates for people who buy their own health insurance will be largely stable and even decrease a little in 2018.

It will be a relief to small business owners, farmers and others who faced double-digit hikes in recent years. Those buyers make up about 4 percent of all Minnesotans.

But getting a needed waiver that will help stabilize those rates might come at the expense of a program for the working poor, MinnesotaCare. The fate of MinnesotaCare remains uncertain, but DFL Gov. Mark Dayton's administration has voiced concern the feds will cut $369 million from MinnesotaCare in exchange for the waiver.

Where do things stand right now? What do we know and don't know? And how would these changes affect the health insurance market in Minnesota for 2018?

MPR news reporter Mark Zdechlik gave host Tom Weber an overview. Then, a conversation about all these topics with state Sens. Tony Lourey, DFL-Kerrick, and Jim Abeler, R-Anoka.

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