Ex-Bemidji school leader pleads guilty to child porn charges

 Brandon Bjerknes
Brandon Mark Bjerknes, 34, is charged with four counts of engaging in electronic communication relating to or describing sexual conduct with a child.
Courtesy Bemidji Pioneer

Bemidji's former assistant middle school principal has pled guilty to federal child pornography charges.

Prosecutors say Brandon Bjerknes used social media to convince dozens of girls as young as age 12 to send him sexually explicit photos.

According to court documents, Bjerknes posed as a 14-year-old boy named Brett Larson on Facebook and Snapchat — reaching out to more than 50 minors, including students at his own school.

Authorities say he attempted to trade sexually explicit photos to a 15-year-old boy for photos of other young girls.

He has been under investigation since late last year when a parent caught his daughter sending explicit photos to a Facebook friend. The father then called the Beltrami County Sheriff's Department, and deputies traced the account.

Bjerknes pleaded guilty to coercion of a minor, and production of child pornography.

Deputies who investigated the case say they were pleased to hear of Bjerknes' plea.

"Our hope now is that the victims and their families can begin the process of healing and finding closure," said Beltrami County Deputy Sheriff Ernie Beitel.