Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Soggy today, dry skies return tomorrow

It's getting a little soggy again out there. Most locations reports between .50" and 1" rainfall this week. But parts of Minnesota have picked up another inch of rain in the past 48 hours.

9 26 mrcc precip
Midwest Regional Climate Center

CSA farmer Nick Wharton reports overly soggy fields are becoming a trend near Grand Marais.

Hi Paul

Thanks for all the valuable and interesting info you put out first of all.

I live about 10 miles east of Grand Marais and operate a small vegetable/ poultry farm. As you would expect from a farmer, I check the weather constantly as it greatly impacts my operation. We have had so much rain this summer (almost 5 inches in the last 10 days) I have potatoes rotting in the ground, mold killing my tomatoes, and NO chance to get into the field to work the soil before winter. This is the third year in a row we are going into winter totally saturated.

My question is this: Are we turning into the Pacific Northwest here or is this just a wet phase in the grand scheme of things? It's also been quite cool this summer. Seems like climate change effect on this area may be even more unpredictable with that big puddle just down the hill? Interested to know your thoughts. Keep up the good work!

Nick Wharton

Good Nature Farm

I sent a reply to Nick showing how overall precipitation trends in Minnesota confirm his recent observations.

CC precipitation change in MN
Minnesota DNR

We endure a few more showers today. Hang in there Nick!

Sun returns

High pressure builds into Minnesota tomorrow. That sets us up for sunshine and milder (and drier) breezes that should last into the weekend. The Canadian GEM model seem to have a good handle on trends lately.

9 26 cmc
Canadian GEM model via tropical tidbits.

Temperatures recover as the week rolls on. 70s creep back into the picture.

9 26 wxb
NOAA via Weather Bell

The upper air pattern favors a pleasantly mild weekend ahead.

9 26 500

NOAA's Climate Prediction Center agrees milder than average temperatures could last through the first week of October.

9 26 814temp.new (1)

But the longer range maps suggest we may get a colder shot as mid-October approaches.

9 26 16
NOAA GFS via Meteostar

Stay tuned.