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Emmer votes against higher debt ceiling, hurricane aid

Republican Congressman Tom Emmer was the lone Minnesota representative to vote “no” Friday when the U.S. House passed a measure to provide hurricane relief, raise the debt ceiling and keep the government funded for another three months.

The vote was 316-90. All the “no” votes came from Republicans.

Emmer’s objection was with raising the debt ceiling. He opposed a similar move in 2015.

Emmer explained in a statement that he voted against continuing an “unsustainable” status quo. He said the agreement missed an opportunity to enact meaningful fiscal reforms.

“We must address the root problem: our out-of-control spending and maintaining the status quo,” Emmer said. “Congress must be able to address the crisis of the day without creating another one down the line.”

Republican U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis also raised concerns about the measure, but he voted for it.

Lewis said in a statement that the three-month extension allows time to solve long-term issues.

“This is by no means a blank check,” Lewis said. “Any longer-term spending and debt-related legislation going forward must include real budgetary reform, tax reform, or serious spending reductions in order to earn my vote. Responsible governing means both meeting today’s obligations, and getting our fiscal house in order to meet tomorrow’s.”