The shooting of Justine Ruszczyk and trial of former officer Mohamed Noor

Former Minneapolis police chief starts consulting firm, launches website

Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau
Former Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau in December, 2015.
Brandt Williams | MPR News

Former Minneapolis Chief Janee Harteau says she is focused on her future, a month after being forced to resign amid the scrutiny of the fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk. Harteau is advertising work as a consultant, a coach and a speaker on her new web site.

But she said she's not currently looking for a job as a chief.

"I would never say never, because I don't know what the future holds," she said. "But there's just a lot of opportunities to do things on a more global basis and I'd prefer to entertain those first and really try to have an impact on the profession and women in leadership in both the private sector and the public sector."

Harteau's website describes her as a "visionary leader, trailblazer, transformational change agent." The site also links to her MPD 2.0 plan she developed early in her tenure.

Her company, Titanium Leadership LLC was registered with the state on Aug. 18.

Harteau said she hopes she can help other law enforcement agencies implement needed changes.

"I'd like to have an impact in a broader way," she said. "If I'm a chief, I can impact that city but I don't have the time to impact the profession or have a more of a global basis."

Harteau said there are many issues at play when trying to strengthen relationships between the community and a police department - an issue she attempted to address during her tenure as chief.

Asked whether she believes police unions or vision from city leaders are issues in creating changes, she said there are many reasons it is difficult to make quick cultural changes.

"There are certainly issues when it comes to union restraints," she said. "But we also have to look at arbitrators and the decisions arbitrators have made in leaving police chiefs at times powerless when you terminate someone for cause and an arbitrator decides, 'Termination isn't necessary.' That really takes away from the power and authority of a police chief."

Harteau said it takes time for change to occur and there are often setbacks.

"I think if people are really committed to change that they have to weather the storms of those setbacks and not be quick to assume that progress is not being made and assume that the people in charge are not doing what they need to do," she said. "It takes time."

Harteau declined to comment on news that Mayor Betsy Hodges -- who asked Harteau to resign in late July --held and attended a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles in the days following the Ruzsczyk shooting

Harteau was criticized for having remained on vacation for several days after the shooting, but said she was in a remote area and unable to monitor the situation closely.

The former chief said she is in talks for a few law enforcement consulting jobs, and she's looking at consulting and speaking opportunities across the country and the globe.