Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Smoky Minnesota, smokin’ hot in Seattle

Minnesota. Land of Sky Blue Waters. But our usually pristine blue sky exudes a smoky white tint this week.

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Smoky skies over the Twin Cities. Paul Huttner/MPR News.

Minnesota smoke

Western wildfires continue to pump significant smoke plumes into the Upper Midwest.

The smoke mostly aloft so far, making for white skies during the day and vivid red sunrises and sunsets. So far air quality in Minnesota remains good.

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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Satellite images show the extensive smoke shield emanating from the Pacific Northwest. GOES-16's 0.47 micron visible band is particularly effective at sensing smoke particles from space.

Unusually Blustery Thursday

Minnesota transitions into a rainy October-like Thursday. Here's more detail from my morning post on Thursday's inbound storm system.

Pacific Northwest heat wave

An unseasonably hot high pressure ridge is setting up over the pacific Northwest. Records will fall in the coming days. It hit 100 in Portland, Ore., today.

Seattle has hit 100 degrees only four times. It may get close Thursday.

Miami: 'Absurd' floods

Capital Weather Gang's Jason Samenow has a good take on why sea level rise and high tides created a perfect storm for flooding Miami Tuesday.