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August feels like October by Thursday

Welcome to August.

The last month of meteorological summer is a turning point for Minnesota weather. August typically features plenty of summer weather and even some 90-degree heat. But our average temperatures gradually slide this month.

Today's Twin Cities average high temperature of 83 degrees pulls back to 78 by the 31st.

August also typically features the first real cold front that signals summer's days are numbered. You'll know that by the time you wake up Thursday morning.

Spotty PM showers

A weak cool front glides through mostly unnoticed today. A few spotty showers may pop up along the front this afternoon, mainly south and east of the Twin Cities.

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NOAA HRRR model via tropical tidbits.

Deep low winds up Thursday

The upper air and surface patterns buckle Wednesday night and Thursday. Low pressure intensifies and dives into the Upper Midwest. By Thursday a chilly, raw, wet north wind kicks in over Minnesota.

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Canadian GEM model via tropical tidbits.

Soaking rains?

The best chance for widespread soaking rains arrive Wednesday night and Thursday. Many of us could pick up and inch or more by late Thursday.

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Fall preview

Thursday looks shockingly chilly compared to our recent run of 80-degree warmth. Highs in the 60s are looking optimistic on some of the latest model runs. Much of Minnesota may spend most of Thursday in the 50s, with a wet raw north wind.

How lovely for Aug. 3.

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NOAA via Weather Bell

Temps slowly moderate as we head for the first weekend in August.

Summer returns?

The longer range upper air maps still suggest a return to summery warmth by mid-month.

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Highs in the upper 80s seem likely again. I wouldn't rule out a 90-degree day or two by State Fair time.

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NOAA via Meteostar

Did I mention the Minnesota State Fair begins three weeks from Thursday?