The shooting of Justine Ruszczyk and trial of former officer Mohamed Noor

Harteau says she's 'overwhelmed' by support, asks people to back new chief

Chief Harteau answers media questions.
Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau, center, stood with police inspector Michael Kjos, left, and assistant chief Medaria Arradondo July 20, 2017.
Maria Alejandra Cardona | MPR News

In a statement posted on Facebook former Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau asks people to support the new acting chief, Medaria Arradondo. Harteau writes, "Please show him the love, support and partnership you have shown me. We can only become better together!"

On Friday, Mayor Betsy Hodges asked for Harteau's resignation and immediately accepted it. She then announced former assistant chief Arradondo as her pick to the lead the department.

Harteau's resignation made international news and came nearly a week after Officer Mohamed Noor fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk after she called 911 to report a possible assault.

In her post, Harteau did not talk about the incident, but said, "Our nation has too much unrest and division. The best way for us to honor each other and the work we have done is to have hope and continue to move forward together. We are more alike than different."