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Decoupling: Some companies growing and lowering GHG emissions

“And so we need energy miracles. Now when I use the term miracle I don’t mean something that’s impossible. The microprocessor is a miracle. The personal computer is a miracle. The internet and its services are a miracle.”   - Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates in a TED talk about climate change and energy

You might say the miracle Bill Gates described is called "decoupling." That’s the idea that a company can continue to grow its business while at the same time reducing carbon emissions. Here's his TED talk on climate change innovation.


So how do companies achieve the miracle of growth and reduced GHG emissions?

Tim Nixon is Head of Sustainability Thought Leadership with Thomson Reuters. His research for clients finds insight into economic trends, and identifies companies that are both adapting to climate change and showing growth. TR’s client list includes some of the world’s biggest investors and law firms.

Companies like Toyota and Minnesota's Xcel Energy are already among global leaders in changing their growth and emissions curves. In this week's Climate Cast, Tim tells me for many companies it's no longer a choice between growth, and green.

Disclosure: I was asked to volunteer some basic climate change facts for Thomson Reuters report on the top 100 global emitters.

TR report cover page
Thomson Reuters

Reducing your personal carbon footprint

Many people ask me how to your own personal GHG emissions. Here's a graphic that evaluates actions and the resulting GHG reductions.

CC actions and effects
Image: Seth Wynes and Kimberly Nicholas. Environmental Research Letters 2017