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Jekyll and Hyde June; cool 4th of July week?

Hints of October

The average high in the Twin Cities this weekend hits 82 degrees. High struggle to hover around 68 degrees this weekend in the Twin Cities under a blustery northwest breeze. So much for "average."

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Spotty showers

Northwest flow continues to dominate this weekend. This kind of pattern over Minnesota produces generally sunny mornings with puffy cumulus clouds predictably billowing into the afternoon sky. Spotty showers march from northwest to southeast across Minnesota this weekend.

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NOAA via College of Dupage.

NOAA's NAM 3 km resolution model paints spotty hit or miss convective showers this weekend. Don't like the weather? Just wait 15 minutes.

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NOAA NAM 3 km model via tropical tidbits.

Searching for 80

It's another free AC weekend across Minnesota. Temperatures rebound toward 80 by next Wednesday and Thursday.

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NOAA via tropical tidbits

Jekyll and Hyde June

I always forget. Which one was Jekyll?

  • June started 8 to 9 degrees warmer than average.

  • Each of the first 17 days in June was warmer than average across most of Minnesota.

  • Temperatures reached 90 degrees or higher 5 days in June.

  • MSP Airport hit 96 degrees on June 13th.

The last 6 days have all been cooler than average across Minnesota. We warm back to around 80 degrees late next week, but the rest of June shows a cool bias overall.

Cool 4th of July week?

The latest upper air trends continue to suggest a cool northwest flow across the Upper Midwest the week of July 4th.

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That flow produces cooler than average temps. NOAA's Climate Prediction Center continues to paint a cool blue patch across the Upper Midwest for the first week of July. Sweatshirts and blankets for 4th of July fireworks? It wouldn't be the first time.

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NOAA's 16-day GFS output cranks out a high of 72 degrees at MSP for the 4th of July.

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NOAA via Meteostar

Stay tuned.