Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Free AC continues; spotty thunder threat

San Diego, with Lakes. That might best describe Minnesota's pleasant weather pattern.

We continue to enjoy a mostly AC-free forecast for the next week. Maybe longer. I'm not seeing any complaints about that in the inbox. As always the weather complaints department is down the hall to the left. Way down. Always open. Tomorrow.

6 21 msp

Severe threat?

Honestly I'm not as impressed with the severe threat today across Minnesota as NOAA's SPC seems to be. Thunderstorm coverage looks spotty at best. The best moisture remains south of Minnesota. Still, we could brew up a few strong to severe storms south of MSP this evening. Keep one eye on the Doppler this evening.

NOAA's NAM 3 km resolution model grabs hold of the notion of T-Storm clusters developing just south of MSP along a warm front this evening.

6 21 nam3
NOAA via tropical tidbits.

We'll see another chance for spotty T-Storms Thursday.

Free AC continues

Right now I don't see any major heat waves brewing for Minnesota in the next two weeks. Another cool weekend is on the way, with highs around 70. Free AC indeed.

6 21 wx
NOAA via Weather Bell.

Typical 4th of July?

Somewhere I saw a headline recently screaming about a 4th of July heat wave for Minnesota. Yeah, no, maybe.

The longer range upper air pattern seems to favor an average or cooler than average 4th of July for the Upper Midwest. But we're still two weeks out so confidence by definition is still lower than usual. The long-range upper air pattern on July 4th keeps the core of the heat south of Minnesota.

6 21 500

Cindy churns along the Gulf Coast

Tropical Storm Cindy is raking the Gulf Coast with heavy rains. Cindy marks an active start to the Atlantic tropical cyclone season.

Southwest heat wave continues

I remember this time of year in Arizona. I was praying for the start of the summer monsoon. In some climates clouds are a blessing. In Arizona you pay a compliment when you meet somebody by saying; "you're as welcome as rain."