Yanez dashcam video, other evidence set for Tuesday release

John Thompson and his 7-year-old son, My'Zjohn Thompson
John Thompson, a friend of Philando Castile, and his 7-year-old son, My'Zjohn Thompson, hold a photo of Castile at a rally Sunday.
Maria Alejandra Cardona | MPR News

Evidence used in the trial of St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez — likely including video from his squad dashcam of the traffic stop during which he fatally shot Philando Castile — is expected to be released Tuesday, Gov. Mark Dayton said Monday.

Jurors on Friday acquitted Yanez on the manslaughter and felony weapons charges he faced for Castile's killing, and most of the evidence they considered hasn't been seen by the public outside a courtroom.

There were three days of protests after Yanez's acquittal Friday afternoon.

Dayton said he hopes for calm amid Tuesday's planned release of the dashcam footage and other evidence. He expects the video to elicit a reaction among those upset with Yanez's acquittal.

"I haven't seen it. I don't know what it holds. But it's certainly a point that people will have whatever reaction they have. I don't think we assume anything," Dayton said in his first extensive comments since Friday's verdict I hope whatever remains to be expressed publicly is done lawfully and peacefully. I think that's very important."

The first rally started Friday and continued into early Saturday morning, with protesters temporarily shutting down Interstate 94 in St. Paul. It was peaceful, but 18 people were arrested.

The mood of demonstrations following last week's verdict has been different from those of last summer after Castile's shooting.

Last year, the protesters' demands were clear: an investigation, criminal charges and a trial for Castile's killing.

Those three things happened, but the outcome wasn't what demonstrators wanted. So, it's now less clear what the protest movement's options are.

Following the expected release of the evidence on Tuesday, the next apparent development is an impending civil suit.

Glenda Hatchett, an attorney for the Castile family, said she plans to file a federal civil lawsuit relating to his killing. The United States Department of Justice has not completely ruled out civil rights charges for Yanez, either.

For any federal civil rights charges, prosecutors need to show a "higher level of intent" than for the manslaughter charge local officials brought against Yanez.

It's also possible that Diamond Reynolds, Castile's girlfriend who was in the car at the time of the shooting with her daughter, could file a civil suit.

For more, use the audio player above to hear MPR News host Tom Weber talk with Tracy Mumford and Jon Collins of the 74 Seconds podcast; Philip Stinson, associate professor in Bowling Green State University's criminal justice program; Philip Smith, founder and president of National African American Gun Association; Roseville Police Chief Rick Mathwig; John Thompson, friend and co-worker of Philando Castile; and community activist Mel Reeves.