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Free AC now; Tropical trouble brewing in the Gulf?

Meteorologists call it northwest flow.

That's the atmospheric pattern wafting in our cooler and delightfully less humid air masses in summer. The same weather pattern that some Minnesotans curse in January for bitter cold, provides relief from stifling heat and humidity in June and July.

We enjoy temps in the 70s with a few passing showers and thundershowers across Minnesota today. Tuesday looks just plain gorgeous. A few strong to severe storms blow in Wednesday.

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Pleasantly cool air mass

Our Canadian air mass blows in again today on northwest winds. The early morning satellite shot is typical of what we'll feel today, a northwest breeze and comfortable dew points in the 50s. Keep one eye on the northwest sky for spotty approaching passing showers.

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NOAA GOES 1 km visible loop via Colleg of Dupage.

Cool week

The first 17 days of June were all warmer than average across most of Minnesota. The Twin Cities is running 7.5 degrees warmer than average so far this month. We trim that number this week, with highs mostly in the 70s.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

The average high for the Twin Cities is now 81 degrees. Our average high at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is now 80 degrees or warmer through Aug. 23.

Stormy Wednesday?

We see spotty passing showers and thundershowers today. Tuesday looks sunny, dry and stunningly beautiful to mark the summer solstice. The next low-pressure wave arrives Wednesday with more numerous showers and thunderstorms.

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NOAA GFS via tropical tidbits.

Severe risk Wednesday

Wednesday looks like to bumpiest storm day this week. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center has a slight risk for southern Minnesota. The Twin Cities rides the marginal risk zone Wednesday.

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NOAA SPC severe risk zone Wednesday.

Patchy rainfall totals

Summertime showers are scattered by nature. That trend holds this week. Most of us get under half an inch, with locally heavier rainfall totals.

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NOAA NAM rainfall output via Colleg of Dupage.

Tropical trouble brewing in the Gulf?

Most of the major models are developing a potential tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico this week.

NOAA's National Hurricane Center gives an 80 percent chance for development within 48 hours, and 90 percent within five days.

There is still uncertainty in potential track. This hurricane tracker app lays out the possible threat along the Gulf Coast.

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The main threat is heavy rain this week along the Gulf Coast.

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A second storm in the southern Caribbean bears watching.

Southwest heat wave

Meanwhile in the desert southwest...

Enjoy our free AC Minnesota.