Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Pretty good Memorial Day weekend

A holiday weekend in Minnesota. Grab the bike. Throw in the tent. Pack up the family.

Then prepare for rain.

That's how it seems most years in our all too short warm season. The best chance of a downpour or a severe thunderstorm to keep you on your weather toes? Memorial Day weekend through the Fourth of July. How lovely.


Pretty good weekend

All things considered, we're getting off pretty lucky this weekend. I'm cautiously optimistic we'll get more sun than clouds, and far more dry hours than rain this weekend. Saturday looks like your best days for outdoor lollygagging at the lake or on the bike trail. Expect a mix of sun and a few clouds, and a nagging brief shower chance Friday, Sunday and Monday.

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NOAA GFS model via tropical tidbits.com

Milder days

Our cool pattern lately has May running very close to average at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Temps moderate the next few days. Memorial Day looks cool, then we warm up again next week.

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NOAA via tropical tidbits

Climate Cast: The future of water

I had a very interesting conversation with Peter Gleick from The Pacific Institute on this week's Climate Cast. He has some good perspective on how climate is driving water resources and national security issues going forward.

Hurricane outlook: Favoring above average season?

In my honest opinion hurricane outlooks are of limited accuracy and value. It only takes one storm landfall to ruin your decade. This season appears to favor higher than usual activity.